Saturday, July 19, 2008

Trial Run

First blog entry for the Johnson Family Blog!


TimTim and JJ said...

Hey! Way to be in the modern age now let's see some pics! Lol come and visit my blog:

Rhonda said...

When do we get more than the trial run.

TimTim and JJ said...

I have a New Year's resolution for you.........................BLOG!!!! lol, we are just excited to keep up with you. Those of us that live far away!

The Christy Clan said...

Hi Mitzi-

I found you blog address while looking at Jessica's. I heard that your mom is in Santa Fe, NM. I'm so sorry to hear that her health is not very good. If your in Santa Fe and need anything please let me know-I'm living in Albuquerque, NM only 1 hour away. Holli (Luke)